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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  August 31, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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we'd love to hear it! send me an e-mail, or go to our website, >> you are looking at live shots of the white house, trump is leaving this hour for cap david after canceled a planned trip to poland. he will monitor hurricane dorian that's now gaining strength on its way to florida and making sure federal resources are going precisely where they are needed if the president makes any comments in his departure, we will bring that to you. let's get to our top story, hurricane dorian is now a category three storm. it's official. forecasted to become an extremely dangerous major hurricane as it turns its course to the bahamas in florida in the
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next few days. >> the latest is maybe a bit of a change, something we've been talking about. this is hurricane matthew in 2016, the storm came out of the caribbean and off to the eastern seaboard of florida. a couple of days before that storm, making a direct land fall and went about 30 miles to the east offshore. it's one of the possibilities that could happen with this. i put in the computer models, you notice for the most part, it leaves the eastern half of florida right now. yesterday, the models were showing way off to the south here toward the gulf. when we get these models, we don't have a lot of confidence.
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there's a lot at play here to the north of this storm, there's a layer of high pressure blocking it. the area of high pressure won't be as strong or if this is stronger, they tend to move north more easily. this is 1150-mile an hour storm. it will continue to pull off towards the west just to the west. one that goes toward the gulf and one moves across in the end. once that's offshore and potentially up to georgia and the carolinas. this went off to the left is a less likely scenario now. across part of the peninsula, that is certainly the most likely scenario but we cannot rule out this one where it hugs the coast and eventually pulls in toward georgia and the carolinas. we know everybody is going to get along a lot of rain but that's just 20, 30-mile
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difference, it makes a big difference. this is one of our rain fall, eight to 12 inches. this latest run just pulled about ten to 15 miles this way. we can likely see that both the other direction. just because you see this, don't think that's what will happen, we are just trying to get the forecast precise for you. it continues to bring a category for some time monday, maybe making landfall tuesday but it has moved off towards the east. the way florida is, this peninsula out here, the storm will run the peninsula, big differences in impacts for everyone. >> you will have a busy weekend. joining me right now, jonas and
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gary, you are in florida. jonas, how is the state preparing folks for what could be coming? >> state is doing as good as job as you can expect. there out there in advance cleaning the sewer pipes, getting ready. they got ahead of this by installing bigger palms because the roads are going underwater anyway. that doesn't mean it will magically make a storm surge disappear. but people are doing well. it's a little mad out there, it's hard to get gas. there are lines and they run out when you're in line. people are a little scared. there's some panic and running around. >> i echo a lot of what he says,
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there's a great percentage of people in florida who have been through this. you have mentioned matthew and irma, we've been through this a few times. we got gas yesterday, there was maybe a ten minute wait and fend we did the usual go to the supermarket, stock up on stuff. it's not so much for many people the wind. you have these cinderblock construction homes, that could withstand a category five. it's the water, the storm surges. even if we are right off the ocean, we are off the canal. we got like 20, 30 inches of rain in a short period of time. that's the problem. we are fortunate, we have a generator. i'm not worried about the electricity, i'm worried about water getting in the house. we have three dogs, two cats. that will be impossible. the question is, where do you go? no matter what model you look at
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right now, you have no clue. we have relatives down in north palm beach, we could go down there. we could go to orlando that we did this the last time, three separate reservations and the storm changed so many times, no matter where we were going to go, that was the storm passed. we will probably wait until sunday afternoon to make a decision. the people who have not already gone to atlanta or wait out of the state, that's probably the time. >> if everybody leaves last-minute, they are owing to be in traffic. i want to bring in the mayor we are hearing mayor, gas stations are running out of gas and water out of costco. are you having trouble getting supplies? >> no. there has been some delays and i think we've seen planning that
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we have not seen in prior years but the entire state emergency team have already been getting more fuel there. so i expect supplies will be there. the fact that people are planning ahead of time, days ahead of time is a good sign. >> this is john. these storms happen every year. sometimes not as tragic, sometimes the impact is severe, what can you tell people about this storm that might be a little different entity you encourage people to take the extra precaution and evacuate anyway? or stay behind? >> so we urge people to take extra caution. residences and businesses have a
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strong corporate base coming to the forefront. they invested in more heavy trucks for storms. we take tons of vegetation in bulk materials to clear out ahead of time so we wouldn't have to break. we've been very prepared and all things. it's just a matter of being prepared. it's important to evacuate when told but you don't have to evacuate the entire length of the state to avoid a storm. sometimes it sufficient to go in that only a few miles. that will help the crowding on the highways. >> california, just to go more deeply on that, can you describe for us how and when you will make that decision? either to encourage residents to evacuate or tell them to not evacuate shelter in place? >> we are in close contact with
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the emergency management there, we work with state and county officials and they get evacuation orders, you have your plan in place now so they can evacuate safely. they have a secure shelter, it's probably better to stay in place. >> i know there have been efforts to 45 feet electrical poles and towers but i also heard their plans to send up drones, wireless companies are trying to send up drones to provide temporary towers for cell phones. are you hearing anything or working with wireless carriers on that? >> they are operating on their own largely, as the interesting use of technology to recover from the storm but after two years ago after irma, we were without power for about a week.
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very fortunate for that biggest extent of damage. >> our hearts go out to you and we wish you the very best in weathering the storm. we will follow it very closely. this is clear scott singer. alexander causey of cortez think the gop has a new scare tactic is not working. that's up next. ♪ play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation.
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another look at the white house where trump is expected to leave for camp david is our. if he stops to speak to the camera's as he often does, we'll bring you his comment as soon as we get there. alexandria okazaki cortez says republicans are using socialism as a scare tactic and it's not
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working. she tweeted out in part, drumming fear around socialism is the gop's big play and it failing because capitalism equals gofundme as our national healthcare system. what you make of this? >> total bs. there is no area where capitalism has failed to deliver the goods at the lowest price possible. i'll go right back to her example, healthcare. we have a free market in healthcare but it's in classic surgery. what has happened with prices and plastic surgery? that come down versus inflation. it's the only area of healthcare where prices have come down. i have not prices come down in the rest of healthcare? there's not capitalism. it's one of the most regulated industries in the u.s. between the hospitals, insurance
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companies, the ama licensing from the rest of it. there's not capitalism in healthcare. if there was a free market in healthcare, you see the lowest prices and best service in any part of the world. >> with respect to you from using plastic surgery i think is a red herring because it's a discretionary, relatively, not always but often discretionary purpose, small part of the overall office. i think number one, i agree that this will talk about socialism is kind of dumb. most people don't understand what it means. we had social democracy since roosevelt. it's a good way to get a heated argument going. this gofundme thing, communicating with young people here, there are people not getting the healthcare they ne need. what's the right way to solve that? discuss. thus the valuable contribution
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she's making. >> she's complaining about this, that the other in terms of capitalism and free will, she's complaining about being harassed on twitter, this is ridiculous. newsflash, there are no safe spaces on twitter. she's bringing about these big bold socialist ideas so she should expect a big capitalist pushback because why? we believe in freedom and enterprise. what we don't believe is taking from peter to pay paul. she should expect this. >> we did believe it for about 70 years or so. jonas, when you pull americans, they are absolutely clear. 70% prefer socialism over capitalism.
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>> you don't have to deeply know the historical nature of socialism. they don't have to know that definition. but they don't know, i want to keep more of my hard earned money and not give to other people who have not earned it. >> talk to the medicare people here, i'm sure they will give you a different answer. here's the problem, it's not that she's incorrect. there's a good free market, they can deliver services like plastic surgery without a whole lot of regulation but there's not a lot of surgeries they can afford, it's expensive, yes it's a free market and it works but with actual health and care costs, everybody has some access to it. if they invent something that cures cancer that's expensive, we should feel that everyone should be able to afford it. there has to be some redistribution there.
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>> you can't get health insurance to everybody at that rate, it's not a solution to that problem. >> if you want to have affordability, you cannot have open borders at high regulation. trump already take care of the regulation. this is a capitalistic country but the thing is, we do have socialist but that should not dominant think. >> she's getting push back on this one for blocking twitter users that she says are harassing her. a group from columbia university that they violate the constitution so i'm curious what you think, should public officials be allowed to block anyone on social media? >> they should be allowed to not have to listen to the garbage that comes back anymore than you
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have to take phone calls from a crazy person. they want to shout at your, but as far as stopping you from being able to hear their distributing, which is often their policy and ideas, that they should not be able to stop. i think they should be able to have a one-way conversation with people and not listen to comments and have them post it back. i don't know where that stands in a constitutional first amendment sort of way but in my opinion from there should be a flow of one-way information from politicians. >> go on. >> i don't know if she's operating on the public official
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or private, i guess it doesn't matter. to me, on something like twitter, you should be able to block anyone. there are so many crazy people out there. but i know we are changing topics, i can't help but deify him, whether private market has not permanent and deliver lower prices. i have the power, the most powerful computer in my hand back here because of the private sector and they can do the same with healthcare. >> final point. >> a court recently prevented the president's ability to block users on twitter so this is interesting. there is no constitutional right to allow someone to harass him. so this is complicated. >> after three months of protests, police in hong kong cracking down. threatening to arrest more opposition leaders and another
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hong kong police taking a harder line today threatening more arrest after several opposition leaders were taken into custody. democracy demonstrations scheduled for tomorrow have no band. >> good saturday morning from what hong kong. the ongoing crackdown hereby hong kong police. including the arrest and charging of several prominent activists. one of the leading organizing groups have canceled participation in this weekend's planned demonstration.
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it cannot guarantee the safety of protesters. >> we know the consequences. we would be dispersed by bombs, we may be arrested. so i don't want people to do it but i believe it's a decision that can only be made there. >> this is one of the streets were those who do decide to protest tomorrow are likely to gather. it's a busy street at the best of times, running through the heart of hong kong. the worst of times by many measures, despite potential chaos. if protesters do decide to do this. the chinese government sent troops and military vehicles across the border from mainland china calling it a routine
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rotation and clearly also sending a message. with the weekend demonstrations already declared illegal by the hong kong authorities, hard-core protesters are saying nonetheless, they will be on the street and the fear is that the violence we have seen before will repeat itself. >> thank you very much. if the protests in the government response gets ugly over the weekend, what happens to markets when they open tuesday? >> these are the worst of times, they are not the worst of times yet. the worst of times would be if there is an actual military or paramilitary action by the chinese government in hong kong. if that were to happen, we would see a very negative impact in asian market and u.s. and european markets. but i think it's extremely unlikely. ours will be focus on florida,
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not hong kong when the week begins. >> i think this is worse for chinese stocks. they've been underperforming european and u.s. stocks for the past few months, i don't know if this whole riot thing started because the whole operating china under attack, our own trademark and tariff work, they found an opportunity to rebel against this country, it just seems like it's weakening the chinese government. in china we can stop, it could be because they can't take this, i may be too optimistic about our strength in trademark but i see it ultimately possibly good for america in our situation trying to get china to behave. >> this could be disastrous tuesday if the markets open up and there's a lot of disaster in terms of mother nature but also,
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who knows what will happen once the hong kong police actually escalate their aggression against the people and people retaliate. who knows what will happen and where this will go. at minimum, markets will be impacted in china will have a global impact. if things really turn south extremely badly, this could really turn. >> the markets have been writing on all of the waves of what happens with regard to china trade, right? >> exactly. i'm picking up on john, adam and jonas just said, melting all of them, i do think if there's military intervention, it's bad. especially that if another country steps in and says wait a second, hong kong is supposed to be basically separate but equal
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for the next 50 years or so and not only america from other countries have made some rumblings and said wait a minute, you're infringing on this agreement. it's not right what's happening. building on what jonas says, it strengthens the u.s. and points out how weak china really is, they are not capitalistic at a all. they are somewhere between socialism and communism that the crackdown on hong kong like th this, is as well, america is to invest. >> military intervention, i think the hurricane thing welcome and go. hopefully. i know we are thankful but this is maybe a bigger issue. >> there is no country that will do what you suggested because as
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nuance as this is, hong kong is part of china. there's no country that's going to step in and say hey, you must stop. >> if there's a violent response to the protests this weekend, that's the end of the trade talks at least in the near term. we've got to go. joe biden taking heat over a war story. what he's now sayininininin -their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town. [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun? -not this. ♪ -oh, what am i into? mostly progressive's name your price tool. helps people find coverage options based on their budget. flo has it, i want it, it's a whole thing, and she's right there. -yeah, she's my ride. this date's lame. he has pics of you on his phone. -they're very tasteful.
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expected to leave the white house any moment. he says he will monitor the situation with hurricane dorian. it's not a category three storm and headed for florida. if he makes any comments on his way out about dorian or anything, we will bring it to you. >> he climbed down a ravine, carried this guy up on his back under fire and the general wanted me to pin a silver star on him. i got up there and stood at attention and i said sir, do not turn on me, please sir. do not do that. he died. >> about that story, the post calling out the 2020 front
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runner, joe biden for inaccuracies within the story that he's told repeatedly on the campaign trail. in the course of three minutes, biden got the time. wrong, the location wrong, heroic act, the type of melody, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong as well as his role in the ceremony. he doesn't understand what he did wrong. >> i was making the point how courageous they are, how incredible they are. these fallen angels we've lost. i don't know what the problem is. what is it that i said wrong? >> we just told you but is this more than just another biden gaffe? >> i'm going to try to be as objective as possible. i don't think it is. i think he comes across as quite frankly, old, confused. i don't think he comes across as
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malicious. even if he does, the right guy at the top comes across at best as a another teller or an exaggerated, they are the biggest house because of all. i'm not sure how this could be used. the comes down to, i think most people view biden as like your great grandfather who's slipping a bit. i don't know if that's better or worse in some of the tall tales that trump tells. >> let's get the definition correct first. this is not a brain part. this is misrepresentation of seven key facts as pointed out by the liberal washington post. >> it's a long list. the american people made it clear in 2016, they don't want
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fiction in their politics. that's why president trump won't. >> why do you think he was at many campaign rallies? he was using it for political effect. >> what reason would he have? >> to get elected, he's running for president. he was using an embellishment and representation of a battlefield consequence in order to use its political effect. >> they need to tell accurately. if you rearrange the story and tell it accurately, it's the same thing. a politician trying to get elected. >> this is getting 17 facts inaccurate.
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>> you should ask my dad to recount the last movie he saw. it's not like richard fabricating brian williams with his exaggerations about the iraq war and coordinates, i just don't think biden is a liar. it's a gut feeling however, i think -- honestly, i would rather have a sharp, smart president who gets things accomplished but that's better than a thinker who isn't a liar sound but not one 100%. >> i didn't say he lied, i said he misrepresented.
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>> adam makes a good point. that was to make himself bigger than he was. what possible reason, shouldn't have done it but he's not trying to make biden look better. >> my word, we caught breaking news. forgive me, i've got to cut it out here. we could talk a lot more. go ahead. >> breaking news on twitter. twitter ceo saying his account is not secure. you probably heard before, it was an amazing testament to what's happening on the internet right now. the guy who founded twitter had his account taken away but he says now is account is secure. trump is singling out general motors now over its plant in china, pressing them on getting to move back to america. the question is, how easy would that be?
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comcast business. beyond fast. attacking general motors for the president in china, tweeting out the following. general motors, once the giant of detroit is not one of the smallest manufacturers there. they moved planes to china before i came to office. this was done despite the help given by the u.s. now they should start moving back to america. this made a new survey showing 13% of american companies have plans to move all or part of their businesses out of china. let's bring in line. how hard would it be for gm to move it plants back to america?
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>> it would be difficult. build where you want to sell. they built these a long time ago because they sell small cars in china and that makes sense. they are not the ones are the problem, it's tesla exporting cars into china, that's the one they should be attacking, not general motors. >> they got a huge bailout, tesla is not going to pay corporate taxes so they don't meet that pup. how do you think, first of all, public shaming will work to get them to do something or does it require consumers on some? what would you think would be the policy?
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>> i think cars that are sold in china makes no sense to build them in detroit and export them to china. the deal with china, china owned 50% of the facility that you have an access to all of your secrets and rights to your products. there's no reason to bring it back. >> you said that already. they do make the suvs here, so it's possible to make cars here. >> right but it cost more money. it's about profits and bottom line. when you look at the bigger picture, it doesn't make sense. if you use money to put them on a ship, you lose sales. >> trump has made it clear, america import, it will not be imported. in terms of jobs and national security, financial interest in respect to america manufacturing, we also know that manufacturer only, will not all of a sudden come back but what is the right balance? he said a moment ago, it doesn't make sense to manufacture cars
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in detroit and ship them to china but what is the right balance in terms of bringing some of the car manufacturing's back to america and allowing free markets to work? >> pesach 24 million cars in america and we will probably come close to 17 million here in the u.s. they have to go where the sales are. it has to do with jobs and union likes it and the state likes it but when you look at the veil of what it has to be between china and the u.s. with china sales being done, you will watch some companies depart china and produced in other countries. i don't think this is going to affect general motors at all. some of trump's tweet saying jm is the smallest carpet manufacturer in china is not accurate but they all think everybody moved to china. as a consumer perspective that's inaccurate.
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that's why manufacturers are starting to build on the coast. they will start building in south america, they want some of that business. build where you sell. it just makes sense financially. >> thank you for coming in. electronics and medicine, "wall street journal" said amazon has proven is unable or unwilling to effectively police third-party sales. lawmakers are demandididididi ♪ all right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. oh, here we go. i know i can't play an instrument, but this... this is my forte. obviously, for auto insurance, we've got the wheel route. obviously. retirement, we're going with a long-term play. makes sense. pet insurance, wait, let me guess... flea flicker.
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clean up your sight, a handful of democrat lawmakers are now demanding amazon remove thousands of products being sold through third parties on it site there are deemed on site. and in the u.s. or misleading labels including toys, medications, motorcycle helmets and new warnings for consumers following a big exposé by the "wall street journal". does the government need to step in with regulations here? >> probably. the government needs to do something. it's likely there are already laws on the books that would cover this but clearly, the amazon self enforcement isn't working. the "wall street journal", freedom of the press, that will have a big impact, too. something more needs to be done to keep these unsafe products out of the hands of consumers. >> there's no part of the economy that they would not want
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the government to come in and manage because they are so efficient at doing things. they are perfect in every way. no, this is what the free market does. if amazon sells a product, you can return it, sue the manufacturer, sue amazon, he are so many different areas. that's sold by everyone. please, don't let the government get away with it. >> what you can't do is come back from the brace. there was one motorcycle helmet sold on amazon i was registered as being board-certified, it was a total fake. a guy used it and died as a result. >> what if he brought it directly from manufacturer wor works. >> some of the biggest ones are, the part viability thing, aren't
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aware that, i don't want to come on third parties because they make the whole business of amazon and other sites, that's good, you don't want to over regulate but if you go to walmart and buy something, it's against walmart in this case, in this particular case, you can't sue amazon, you have to go after third-party merchant. you think amazon is behind it but they are really not. i believe in the circuit court in philadelphia from now you will be able to start suing amazon and this will change the whole thing if they will have to make sure they are not selling these things. i think it will change. >> we don't need additional government regulation but we do need is to make sure we allow the free markets to work.
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i hear you in terms of the helmet and things of that nature but in the era of ai, i don't understand why amazon can't use ai to keep track of all the band products and everything. >> why can't amazon monitor itself?
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david: breaking news. president trump is indeed speaking with reporters right now at the white house, at the point of his departure. he's going to camp david. he's speaking about hurricane dorian right now. we will bring you the headlines as they come in. well, hurricane dorian's strengthening as it barrels towards florida, expected to approach the coast as a category 4 storm on labor day. one of the busiest travel times
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of the year. grady trimble is standing by at chicago's o'hare airport. have the airlines already started canceling flights there? reporter: well, not the airlines, but actually, the orlando airport has canceled all flights going into or out of that airport on monday. we were waiting for that announcement all day and we learned that just in the past hour. we are still waiting on the other major airports in florida, including miami and tampa. this is a slow-moving storm so they are trying to push that decision off until, you know, they know for certain where this storm is going. we did talk to people here in chicago who are actually going down to florida. a kufcouple of them, one of the for a wedding, believe it or not, and the other for vacation. >> i feel for the couple that's getting married. i feel for all the guests, myself included. i feel for the people that actually live there. >> i took pictures on the news of the hurricane and sent it to my dad, like are we still, he's like yes, we have the room,
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you're coming. i guess we're going to florida. reporter: as we have been reporting all day, all the major airlines have waived any changes to travel or if you want to cancel your flight, all of the fees are waived so you don't have to worry about that. i will leave you with this. if it's good luck for rain on a wedding day, imagine it must be best of luck if there's a hurricane on your wedding day. david: maybe. but just imagine, grady, being the father or the mother of the bride who spent god knows how many tens of thousands of dollars on that wedding. it's going to be totally washed out. i'm wondering if you have, are events that have been canceled, will they get waivers too? i'm glad airlines are doing it but what about the events that are going on that are going to be washed out? reporter: so far, we have only heard from the airlines and that's actually that gentleman you just heard from who is going down to miami or another gentleman actually we spoke to earlier in the day, he's going to miami. he's staying at a hotel and he's deciding to still go even though the storm's coming because he said hey, i booked it, i don't
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know if i'm going to get my money back so i might as well go and see if i can enjoy it. david: grady, great stuff. thank you very much. that does it for "bulls - [narrator] the following is a paid advertisement for the hoover onepwr floormate jet. how do you typically clean your floors? do you make it a team event? (frantic music) do you do the sloppy shuffle? do you call in backup? cleaning your hard floors has always been hard work. first there's sweeping or vacuuming. then you haul out the mop and bucket. but does pushing dirty water around really get your floors as clean as you'd like? and then there's the joy of cleaning pet messes, or getting down on your hands and knees to scrub old, dried on, or sticky spills? sure, other products claim they make hard floor cleaning easy, but they still require lots of elbow grease, and they do nothing for large messes. sometimes you just wish there was an easier way.


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